Tuesday, December 30, 2008

There's no place like home for the Holidays!!

Daniel and I were able to go back home for Christmas this year!! It's shocking that it was an entire year since I had been there last time! And we were extremely lucky because we just barley made every window of opportunity that the air lines had! It was a beautiful winter wonderland with snow up to my thighs!! You can imagine what a shock it was to walk outside of the Kansas City airport and start sweating because it was still 56* outside! We both would have loved to stay alot longer and were even hoping that Spokane's airport would be closed so we wouldn't have to leave so early, but that's not how things worked out for us, which I guess is a good thing- since Daniel had to be at work this morning and I have a Dr's appointment this afternoon... Lame!!!

With only a month till the arrival of little Jada, I suddenly have a panic feeling cause we still don't have a crib or any bedding for her! and I don't have a diaper bag yet either (that's what my Christmas present from Daniel is- but I have a very specific one in mind) I am constantly fight with Jada because her favorite spot for her feet is right below my ribs on my right side, and it hurts! So we go back and forth each pushing against eh other for what we want! I think thats a sign of how her teen years will be... :(

Daniel starts school June 1st, so we're planning on making a road trip to Colville so every one in that area can meet baby Jada. and we're gonna be stopping in Denver, Rexburg and the Salt lake area so other family members can see her then too!! I am soo excited to go! even though we just got back from Washington last night- I am counting down the days till we can head that way again!

I am busy today with last minute preparations for Daniel's birthday tomorrow. I was kinda sad when he had told me that he never really had a birthday party, because his birthday is on New Year's Eve, So I wanted to throw him a party this year that was specifically for him, but our friends Dave and Jess moved to Utah and we have no one else to hang out with.... So I'll have to do my best and hope that next year will be alot better!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Looks like We're Headed for Rockhusrt University!!

Daniel was accepted to Rockhurst University!! So in May we will be headed that way to get settled in before he has to start the grueling home work process! By then we should be done with baby appointments and will be more than ready to get a place of our own!

Untill then we are still at Carmen& Eric's and are greatful for they're continuous hospitality. There is one class that he needs to take but he can't figure out even where to begin looking for it! An ethnics class! Where would you find a class titled "Ethnics"? any ideas? please give him a holler! ;)

Other than that we're just be-boppin' along.... really not much going on. I'll be glad when all this election crap is over and done with! Although I fear for the future of this country, especially if Obama/Osama should win. But either way this goverment is failing and there's nothing that can be done about it till the second coming!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happyt Halloween!!

So while we're waiting for Daniel's yeah or nay from Rockhusrt, basically we've been spending alot of money!! unfortunatley we needed new tires on the car- which cost us a pretty penny! then there just seems to be little things here and there that are just adding up!!

But we're excited for halloween! We decide to be Robin Hood and Maid Merian from Disny's Robin Hood!! Our costumes were actually alot of fun to make because they were super simple- though mine looked like a giant purple moo-moo before I started adding the accesories!

Jada is moving more and more each day and she kicked me so hard the other day it hurt!! But we're very excited to see her this february!! I have a baby shower Nov.8 and am really excited for it, but a little sad that Kathleen couldnt be there since she did all the work! Thanks Kathleen!! I was going over the baby registry at target.com and there are a few things I have absalutley no idea what they even are! But that is due entirely to the fact that Daniel was the one with the scanner!

Work is much nicer now that I don't have to sit up front all day with debtors coming in smelling like who knows what!! I love the girls I work with! they are soo adorable! Michelli Devore is a Brazillian who married an American and she is just cute and funny and has no problems asking questions about the Church, which is alot of fun! The other girl is a girl from our branch named Jennae Frey- she is the life of the party and funnier than heck! she loves babies so we spend a lot of our time looking at baby things online!! They make going to work fun- and I'll be a little sad when I leave- but not too sad! ;)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy October!

Here's a few cute stories of our Jada Lynn... While the nurse... lady... what ever it is that she's called was doing the ultra sound, she was poking my belly where the little foot was, obvuosly she didn't like being poked cause Jada started kicking back! It was adorable!
Then last Sunday, I was just waiting for our Peter Pancakes to get done and I had the laptop kinda propped up against my belly, she didn't like that either and was violently protesting it being there! and stopped immidiatly after I moved it! Daniel says she's going to be just like me- so don't wake her while she's sleeping!

We are also headed down to Kansas City to go to an interview that Danile has at Rockhurst! Then we're going to Build-A-Bear!!! That's my favorite part ;)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Its a Girl
Today Kyra and I got to watch our new baby girl wiggle around on a TV Screen and it was soo cool. There she is up above looking as cute as ever and her parents more proud than ever at this beautiful creation of God. It really hit me when I saw the baby moving and opening its mouth that I am a father of a child. Whoa crazy!! So after the ultra sound we went and bought a pink stuffed animal the same size as she is (about 5 inches long) and I bought some cigars for my parents that said "Its a girl". Hey don't judge all you haters out there. They were CHOCOLATE cigars.

Our newest family member!

Today was our first sono gram! And we were able to see our little girl!!! Who, for now is named Jada Lynn. Lots of fun and excitement!

Kansas is nice right now, with everything turning into fall colors and we're both really excited for Halloween! And with the cooler weather, Kansas is looking much easier to handle!

Daniel has an interview coming with Rockherst University coming up, we're just waiting to here back as to the exact date. When that happens I'm making Daniel take me to the build-a-bear in Kansas to make Jada her first teddy bear! Sorta I couldn't resist buying this little teddy bear from the gift store in the hospital.... :D

Other then that we get up, go to work 8-5, come home eat and sleep. Especially the last one for me ;)