Monday, January 26, 2009

Little Baby Jada Lynn Bowman

So... Daniel and I were in the hospital from Sunday night at 7:30 to Thursday afternoon around 3:00!! Let me tell you- way too long to be in the hospital! What happened was that the gave me.... what ever it is they give you to induce you and for two days I was at a 2! I wasn't progressing very fast and they didn't let me eat any thing but Ice chips and the occasional apple juice. By Tuesday I was a wreck. I even was crying in front of the Dr, which I normally don't cry in front of any body so you can imagine how bad it was.

Tuesday he finally gave me the option of breaking my water instead of waiting for everything to happen on it's own. I said lets do it and he broke my water right there and - HOLY COW! I had soooooo much water in there, they had to have two other nurses come in and help the one that was assigned to me to help her clean it up! That is the most akward feeling ever! They had my legs spread wide open and it was like I was peeing my pants and I had no control and an audience! Then the contractions came on REALLY strong and I almost broke Daniel's thumb (poor guy). I had to wait about 30 minutes before they could give me an epidural because they needed to pump me with more fluids. That was the most painfull 30 minutes of my life!

Then the guy came up to give me the epidural and he happened to be one of Daniel's soccer buddies from the out door league! Talk about akward! But one the pain meds kicked in Labor was actually enjoyable for me. Really I didn't feel a thing. Daniel and I watched some spongebob, we took naps and we found out the life story of the nurse! I went from a 2 at about 2:00 that after noon to a 10 at about 7:00! The nurses had to actually tell me when I was having contractions!

And at 8:20 Tuesday January 20, 2009 Jada Lynn was born! She weighed 8 lbs 1 oz, was 20 1/2 inches long and had red hair! So far she is a sweet tempered little girl that has an oppinion as to how she is going to be fed and really likes her daddy and his endless noises! Her sleep schedual is backwards (no surprise there) and I spend my nights trying to keep her fed and/or asleep! She's usaually not irratable at night, she just lays there with her eyes wide open and looking around at every thing and nothing! It's amazing how strong she already is! Her little legs allow her to climb upo her daddy's chest when he's trying to burp her! And if she does't want to nurse (which is always) she has no problem arching her back and pushing her self off of me!

Her hair is getting darker, but in certain lights there is no doubt that she's a red head! A girl after my own heart. She sleeps like a rock, which she gets from her dad, and she wakes up like me, wanting to go right back to sleep and not in the best of moods. She got my stubby little toes and she got Daniel's crooked pinky! She also got his very diffinitive cowlick! already her hair is doing exactly what it wants to! But it looks adorable with a little bow in her crazy- sticking-up-all-over- the-place hair! On a funny side note, the bows we stick in her hair are stuck there with KY jelly! The nurses taught us that one!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Ignore the stupid typos- I can't quite figure them out and I'm going to use Kathleen's excuse and state that being prego makes you brain dead!

Two Weeks early!!

So my appointment that I was talking about in the last post... to say the least was interesting. My Dr told me that because of Jada's size we're bring her out two weeks early!! Which I am so grateful for because just in these last 12 hours or so I have been soooooo tired that everything puts me over the edge!

Yesterday Daniel, James and I went to a Institute kick-off. Which is ironic because I have never been a fan of institute and I don't plan on going and I ve before he went crazy! But some there approached me with a "great ideadoubt Daniel is either, But Daniel was super excited to go because they were playing volley ball and he needed to do something active! While we were there I was approached by Alison Wilkes (basically she drives me insane and it's hard for me not to make too many comments on what she says and does- SHE'S CRAZY). She decided it would be great fun to have the entire branch come and see me in the hospital Monday morning! I could have easily choked her then, but I was saved by President Jacobson, who saw that I was about to get .... mean- and told her, in as kind of way as possible, that you don't do that with new borns because you don't want them to get any flus or other sicknesses. So I was saved yet again by his quick thinking and stepping in at the right time!
But all in all Daniel had a good time and was able to release some of his energy!

Today I got an email from my Mom, and in it she mentioned that Caden (my 16 year old brother) prays daily that it won't hurt me when I have the baby! How sweet is that?! That kid is such a goober, but he has a good heart. It's weird to think of him like that, but it's true! I remember he got this bike for his birthday and not long after offered it to me for keeps! At the time I told him not to be stupid, but I look back and think that I've always liked that kid! I am very grateful that my family is thinking of me constantly!

Daniel and I are VERY grateful to have James back for the semester! Since the Kubie's moved it's been so boring for us. And we can only get Carmen and Eric to play so many games with us. It's nice to have some one willing to hang out with us. And James doesn't seem to feel weird about hanging with two married people. He is helping us stay sane!

Any way I guess that's all for now. Actually it's mostly because my butt hurts and I am going to waddle around for a bit and get some blood pumping through my whale- like body!