I spent the week in Topeka, Helping Daniel's Mom around while she heals from her second knee surgery. Daniel's been in OP all week, so when he came to Topeka this weekend he wanted to do go on a date and do mini golf, I told him I'd rather take Jada to use that never ending 2 year old energy. (it's been really hard to use that energy all week). So we took her and she had a great time! That is, until she tried to grab the balls of the players behind us and I told her "no". we carried her threw the next 6 holes. Then we got to the end and she was SOOOOO upset that she didn't get to keep her ball! Her only consolation was that she got to keep the club, but only 'till I ripped it out of her hands and handed it back to the guy at the counter :(
But you guys shouldn't feel too bad for Daniel for not being able to go on a date with his wife, we went later that night :) here's a holler to 'the Classic Bean' for being our favorite place in Topeka! Best Hot Chocolate EVER!
hahaha! cute!:)
She is too cute! Go, Jada! She is a golfing pro! So fun!
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