Friday, January 16, 2009

Two Weeks early!!

So my appointment that I was talking about in the last post... to say the least was interesting. My Dr told me that because of Jada's size we're bring her out two weeks early!! Which I am so grateful for because just in these last 12 hours or so I have been soooooo tired that everything puts me over the edge!

Yesterday Daniel, James and I went to a Institute kick-off. Which is ironic because I have never been a fan of institute and I don't plan on going and I ve before he went crazy! But some there approached me with a "great ideadoubt Daniel is either, But Daniel was super excited to go because they were playing volley ball and he needed to do something active! While we were there I was approached by Alison Wilkes (basically she drives me insane and it's hard for me not to make too many comments on what she says and does- SHE'S CRAZY). She decided it would be great fun to have the entire branch come and see me in the hospital Monday morning! I could have easily choked her then, but I was saved by President Jacobson, who saw that I was about to get .... mean- and told her, in as kind of way as possible, that you don't do that with new borns because you don't want them to get any flus or other sicknesses. So I was saved yet again by his quick thinking and stepping in at the right time!
But all in all Daniel had a good time and was able to release some of his energy!

Today I got an email from my Mom, and in it she mentioned that Caden (my 16 year old brother) prays daily that it won't hurt me when I have the baby! How sweet is that?! That kid is such a goober, but he has a good heart. It's weird to think of him like that, but it's true! I remember he got this bike for his birthday and not long after offered it to me for keeps! At the time I told him not to be stupid, but I look back and think that I've always liked that kid! I am very grateful that my family is thinking of me constantly!

Daniel and I are VERY grateful to have James back for the semester! Since the Kubie's moved it's been so boring for us. And we can only get Carmen and Eric to play so many games with us. It's nice to have some one willing to hang out with us. And James doesn't seem to feel weird about hanging with two married people. He is helping us stay sane!

Any way I guess that's all for now. Actually it's mostly because my butt hurts and I am going to waddle around for a bit and get some blood pumping through my whale- like body!


Kat said...

I would've wanted to choke that girl too!

katrina hayes said...

hah hah!! you are SO funny kyra! and yes, i totally would have freeeeeeaked on that girl. kudos for keeping your cool. i was a bit....temperamental when it came to things like that. what a sweetie caden is. i hope it goes ok too. and i hope you dont have to have a c-section. and....i hope she comes easy as pie. and ... i hope you get some pie and rest after it's all over. you will deserve it. make sure you have daniel take a photo before the baby comes. you won't believe how big your skin was able to get! and...that's all. i wish i was closer so i could bug you. :)

miss mae said...

I was just thinking about you this morning! I think we'll all be praying for you and jada.

Jessi said...

I miss you and I miss Kansas, and everytime I think about you having your baby anytime now it makes me wanna cry!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!